Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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# the default REND386 configuration file
# 26/8/92 by Dave Stampe
# leaving out this file defaults OK
# {} gives a list of options: end list to use defaults from then on
# these are the possible commands:
# videodev { v16.rvd v256.rvd <or other driver> } # sets video driver
# mousedev { mouse <or other driver> } # sets 2D or 2.5D mouse driver
# headdev { <a 3D or 6D head tracker driver> } # sets head tracking driver
# videodev { v16.rvd v256.rvd <or other driver> } # sets video driver
# switchdev { sega <or other driver> } # loads a stereo shutter driver
# For these, sx..srz are floats for translation/rotation scaling
# defaults should be 1 1 2 1 1 1
# they are turned on with the /g option, and the pointer takes precedence
# glovedev { pglove <or other driver> } sx sy sz srx sry srz # sets glove driver
# ptrdev { <a 3D or 6D driver> } sx sy sz srx sry srz # sets pointer driver
# glovecursor { <a .fig glove file, handsm.fig is default } # sets glove cursor
# ptrcursor { <a .plg pointer file } # sets 3D/6D pointer cursor
# Sets Sega driver output: able to share port with glove thru masking
# all values hex: default is {com1:3fc com2:2fc} 30 30 20 00 00
# segaport <adr> <write mask> <left> <right> <off> <initial port value>
# Sets Powerglove driver output: able to share port with Sega thru masking
# all values hex: default is 379 378 3 0 2 1 3 10 00
# pgloveport <inadr> <outadr> <write mask> <C0L0> <C0L1> <C1L0> <C1L1> <input mask> <initial port value>
# Sets Powerglove timing delays: default is 12 140
# pglovetime <bit delay> <byte delay>
# Sets all stereoscopic parameters (stop any time in list)
# default is 600 250 320 50 600 1.0 -- all physical parameters in mm
# stereoset <scrn dist> <scrn width> <pixels> <eye sp> <convergence> <world scale>
# Sets up type of stereo display. SWITCH is "flicker", SPLIT is 2 windows on screen,
# SEPERATE is different VGA cards (needs special hardware and video driver).
# These set special parameters for stereo windows, for HMD's etc. You can split
# the screen into windows, use "rotated" display devices, mirrors, lenses, etc.
# stereoleft <x pixel shift> <x flip flag> <rotate angle> <left edge> <top edge> <right edge> <bottom edge>
# stereoright <x pixel shift> <x flip flag> <rotate angle> <left edge> <top edge> <right edge> <bottom edge>
# Now the actual devices:
# some commented out: optional
#mousedev mousedrv.rpd # test external mouse driver
switchdev sega # internal Sega driver
glovedev pglove 1 1 3 1 1 1 # internal powerglove driver, extra long reach
glovecursor .\hand.fig # default glove cursor (in home directory)
#segaport 3fc 3 3 1 0 0 # com1: Sega interface
#segaport 2fc 3 3 1 0 0 # com2: Sega interface
#segaport 2fc 3 1 3 0 0 # com2: reversed Sega
segaport 378 c 4 8 0 0 # 3DTV PCVR or printer port Sega
pgloveport 379 378 3 0 2 1 3 10 00 # printer port PowerGlove cable
pglovetime 12 140 # normal PG delays
# headdev logitech1 0 0 0 0 0 0 # com1: logitech Red Baron 6D head tracker
headdev logitech2 0 0 0 0 0 0 # com2: logitech Red Baron 6D head tracker
# pots: <pan degrees per count> <pan center count>
# <tilt degrees per count> <tilt center count>
# <noise reduction> <delta noise reduction>
# headdev pots 0.5 300 0.5 300 8 0.01 # joystick 2 head tracker